2023 AZPA Members

Bermea, Andrea R.
Arizona Polygraph Services, LLC
Office: 623-670-8878
Email: Andrea@ArizonaPolygraph.org

Bray, Patrick 
Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office 
Email: Patrick.Bray@MCSO.Maricopa.gov

Bionci, Daniel
Phoenix Police Department
Email: Daniel.Bionci@phoenix.gov

Burns, Wes 
Abacus Forensic Polygraph, LLC
Office: 480-668-5650
Email: WBurns@lietome.net 

Caputo, Dan
Arizona Department of Public Safety
2102 W. Encanto Blvd.
Phoenix, AZ 85009
Cell: 928-607-2153
Email: DCaputo@AZDPS.gov

Durbin, Kelsea
Oro Valley Police Department 
Main: 520-229-4900

Eaton, Gerald
Eaton Polygraph Services
Email: EatonPolygraphAZ@gmail.com

Fitzpatrick, Christopher
Phoenix Police Department
Email: Christopher.Fitzpatrick@Phoenix.gov

Fuller, Brian
Fuller Polygraph
Email: brian@fullerpolygraph.com

Gaines, Michael
Mesa Police Department
Email: Michael.Gaines@MesaAZ.gov

Galarneau, Benjamin MSW, PC
Advance Forensic Assessments, Inc.
1550 E University Dr., Suite O-1
Mesa, AZ 85203
Office: 480-610-0106
Email: afapoly@gmail.com

Graffious, Dylan
Phoenix Police Department
Email: Dylan.Graffious@Phoenix.gov
Office: 602-262-7646

Hanratty, James A.
Judicial Branch of Arizona in Maricopa County

101 W. Jefferson, ECB – Suite 323
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Email: Jim.Hanratty@JBAZMC.Maricopa.gov

Hogle, Webb
Veritas Polygraph & Investigations, LLC 
Email: WebbHogle@VeritasPolygraphy.com

Irvine, Herb
6424 E. Greenway Pkwy
Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Cell: 310-901-5669 

Jacobs, Matthew
True Results Polygraph

Email: Matthew.TrueResultsPolygraph@cox.net
Cell: 602-999-8890

Lee, Brady
Phoenix Police Department
Email: Otto.Brady.Lee@Phoenix.gov

Lobato, Daniel
Phoenix Police Department
Email: Daniel.Lobato@Phoenix.gov

Peschke, Laurie
Truth Lab, LLC
64 E. Broadway Rd., Suite 200 
Tempe, AZ 85282
Main: 623-640-7854
Email: TruthLab@msn.com

Popilek, Eric

Accurate Polygraph
2198 E. Camelback Road, Suite 210
Phoenix, AZ 85016
Email: AccuratePolygraph@gmail.com

Rhoads, Jennifer 
Chandler Police Department 
Email: Jennifer.Rhoads@ChandlerAZ.gov

Rojo, Allyssa
Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office
Email: A_Rojo@MCSO.Maricopa.gov

Sauer, Glorianna
Tempe Police Department
Email: Glorianna_Sauer@Tempe.gov

Schapmire, Tyler 
Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office 
Email: TylerSchapmire@MCSO.Maricopa.gov

Serfustini, David 
Mesa Police Department
Email: David.Serfustini@MesaAZ.gov

Shaughnessy, Kevin W.
Email: KevinShaughnessy@comcast.net
Cell: 630-774-3165

Schmidt, Sydney 
SMS Polygraph & Investigations, LLC
Email: Sydney@SMSPolygraph.com

Schmidt, Wayne
SMS Polygraph & Investigations, LLC 
Email: Wayne@SMSPolygraph.com
Office: 800-481-7950

Volpe, Dominic
Precise Polygraph 
3200 N. Hayden Rd., Ste. 255
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Office: 480-564-1110
Email: Dominic@PrecisePolygraph.com

Volpe, Kevin
Precise Polygraph 
3200 N. Hayden Rd., Ste. 255
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Office: 480-564-1110
Cell: 480-861-1588
Email: Kevin@PrecisePolygraph.com

Wells, Laura
Wells Polygraph Services / AZPE, Inc.
7600 N. 15th Street, Suite 150
Phoenix, AZ 85020
Office: 602-635-3233

Honorary & Life Members
Arther, Richard O.
Honorary Member
National Training Center
200 W 57th St., #1109
New York, NY 10019
Office: 212-755-5241

Barland, Gordon H., Ph.D.
Honorary Member
2162 E 6595 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84121
Office: 801-943-3360
Cell: 801-455-9368
Email: barland@comcast.net

Blalock, Ben
Honorary Member
PEAK Credibility Assessment Training Center
1490 NE Pine Island Road, Unit 7B
Cape Coral, FL 33909
Office: 239-900-6800
Email: Ben@PEAKcatc.com

Friedl, William
Honorary Member
Office: 602-495-1000
Website: www.barlandpolygraph.com

Raskin, David, PhD
Honorary Member
Homer, AK 99603
Office: 907-235-0514

Richmond, Jack T.
Life Member
Apache Junction, AZ 85219
Office: 480-288-0281

Sense, Louis C
Honorary Member
John Reid & Associates

250 W. Wacker Dr., #1100
Chicago, IL 60606
Office: 312-782-2100

Schoenfeld, Erich W
Life Member
Apache Junction, AZ 85219
Bus: 480-288-0281

Past Presidents of the AZPA
Byron Roberts
Cy Gilson
Tom Ezell
Lee Chambers
Rudy Mellmann
Molly Estrella
Bill Bangs
Floyd Lawrence
Bob Banta
Erich Schoenfeld
Lou Disser
Tom McMahon
Felipe Diaz, Jr.
Jack Ogilvie
Lee Fish
Kay Docter
Jack Ogilvie
Gary Lindberg (2008 – 2010)
Jim Hanratty (2010)
Laurie Peschke (2011)
Wes Burns (2012)
Dan Caputo (2013 – 2015)
Willis Deatherage (2015 – 2017)
Andrea R. Bermea (2017 – 2020)
Mark Stevens (2020 – 2022)

In Memoriam
Gary Davis
Cleve Backster
William L. Bangs
Bob Banta
Merle Cascaden
Lee Chambers
Frank Dickenson
William J. Esdert
Tom Ezell
Cy E. Gilson
Richard Hickman
Herb Hanson
Roger McFarlin
Rudy Mellmann
James Mofford
Alfred Ocampo
Byron Roberts
Ronald Schmenk
Robert Urdianrian